Key Differences between Plant-based and Conventional Skincare Products

Key Differences between Plant-based and Conventional Skincare Products

Given the escalating focus on health and sustainability, there has been a marked uptick in consumer interest in plant-based skincare products or solutions for various skin conditions.  Below are several compelling reasons why individuals should contemplate transitioning to such alternatives.


    apricot kernel oil
    • Plant-Based Skincare Products:
      Typically formulated with plant-based ingredients such as shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, almond oil, and essential oils.  These ingredients are natural, cruelty-free and do not contain animal-derived products.
    • Conventional Skincare Products:
      paraben free
      Often contains synthetic ingredients such as parabens, phthalates, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, and petrochemicals.  These chemicals can be harmful to both the skin and overall health and may have adverse environmental impacts.


    natural ingredients

    • Plant-Based Skincare Products:
      Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing nourishment and hydration to the skin without clogging pores.  Natural oils help to moisturize and protect the skin barrier.

      dry irritated skin
    • Conventional Skincare Products:
       While conventional lotions may provide temporary hydration, the presence of toxic chemicals can cause skin irritation, allergic reactions and long-term damage to the skin's health.  Some chemicals may disrupt the skin's natural balance and lead to issues such as dryness or increased sensitivity.


    eco friendly

    • Plant-Based Skincare Products:
      Typically made from sustainably sourced plant-based ingredients, minimizing environmental impact.  Vegan products also tend to have a lower carbon footprint as they often do not involve animal farming or by-products.

      reduce carbon footprint
    • Conventional Skincare Products:
      The production and disposal of conventional lotions containing toxic chemicals can contribute to environmental pollution and harm ecosystems.  Chemical runoff from personal care products can contaminate water sources and harm aquatic life.


    not tested on animals
    • Plant-Based Skincare Products:
      Formulated without any animal-derived ingredients and not tested on animals, aligning with vegan principles and ethical standards.
    • Conventional Skincare Products:
      Some conventional lotions may contain animal-derived ingredients, and many conventional beauty brands may conduct animal testing, which raises ethical concerns for animal welfare advocates.

    • Plant-Based Skincare Products:
      Generally considered safer for both personal use and the environment due to the absence of harmful chemicals.
    • Conventional Skincare Products:
      Exposure to toxic chemicals in conventional lotions may pose health risks such as hormone disruption, skin irritation, and potential long-term health effects.  These chemicals can also be absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin, potentially impacting overall health and wellbeing.

To sum up, opting for plant-based skincare products instead of conventional ones containing harmful chemicals, can provide numerous advantages for both personal well-being and environmental sustainability.  Hence, individuals dealing with dry, irriated or itchy skin conditions may find our Jus Naturaw 100% Vegan Tea-Infused Body Balm a favorable choice.

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